Debug Menu
June 6th, 2022

Accessing the menu

In the response to the GAME_INIT request, the native backend has the opportunity to set the debug flag to true, which will prevent console logging from being disabled, and allow access to the Datapad debug menu.

The debug menu is set up to be accessed in two ways, either by using a keyboard and pressing tilde (presumably for emulator use), or by using a gesture. The gesture can be activated by tapping this region 5 times within 1 second:

The region you need to gesture within to access the debug menu

The region is the area contained between 40% and 60% of the view’s width, and between 0% and 10% of the view’s height.

Page 1 Page 2
Page 1 of the debug menu Page 2 of the debug menu

Yellow buttons trigger an action, while white buttons lead to “sub-pages” of the current page. Pressing “Back” at any time will bring you back to your previous page, or in the case of the first page, exit you from the debug menu. Pressing the close button immediately closes the menu.

Page 1

Button Action
📖2 Show page 2
Debug Opens the Debug page
Agenda Opens the Agenda page
Games Opens the Games page
Jobs Opens the Jobs page
TWAR Opens the Territory War page
Ops Toggles Opens the Operations Toggles page
Interactives Opens a page where each park interactive show effects can be explicitly triggered, like the probe droid, Falcon, etc.
Beacons Opens the Beacons page
Items Opens the Items page
Save Opens the Save page
Currency Opens the Currency page

Page 2

Button Action
AudioShows… Opens the AudioShows page
Filters… Opens the Filters page
Park Opens the Park page
Map Opens the Map page
Hardware Opens a page that allows you to simulate events for device hardware states changing for Bluetooth, location services, and low power mode
Themes Opens a page where you can cycle through different app skins, including the default SWGE color scheme, the SWGS scheme, and various foreground colors

Page 1 → Debug page

Button Action
BLiS Opens the Beacon Listening System page
DesiredFPS Opens the Desired FPS page
Toggle Preview Toggles the “preview overlay”, an overlay showing preview-overlay.png onscreen, a 1080x1920 grayscale box gradient
Toggle Accessibility Toggles the accessibility services (no visible result, likely screen reader support)
✓ AR Enables AR support
x AR Disables AR support
Unlimit Disambigs Un-caps the maximum number of beacons that can contribute to the Job/Hack/Tune/Translat search pages
Guest Experience Result Forces an immediate query of the Guest Experience database, loading guest metadata regarding the Smuggler’s Run attraction activities

Page 1 → Debug → Beacon Listening System page

Button Action
✓ Fake Beacons Makes the fake debugging beacons visible
x Fake Beacons Makes the fake debugging beacons invisible
✓ Ignore Checks Disables range checking on beacons
x Ignore Checks Enables range checking on beacons
Show Shows a map of in-range beacons

Page 1 → Debug → Desired FPS page

Button Action
15 Sets the Phaser game target FPS to 15
30 Sets the Phaser game target FPS to 30
60 Sets the Phaser game target FPS to 60

Page 1 → Agenda page

Button Action
GetAgenda: PlayAPI Disables agenda overrides
GetAgenda: Debug A Forces the agenda to display the “A” override agenda
GetAgenda: Debug B Forces the agenda to display the “B” override agenda
Multiply xN Each press will increase N from its starting value of 1, though 10, and wrap back at 1. Entries in the agenda are duplicated N times in the view.

Page 1 → Games page

Button Action
UnscrambleHero Opens the UnscrambleHero page
DeviceHack Opens the DeviceHack page
DroidHack Opens the DroidHack page
Tangrams Opens the Tangrams page
SetDifficulty Opens the SetDifficulty, which allows you to choose a forced game difficulty between 0 and 5
Toggle Auto-Win Toggles minigame auto-win
Toggle Show Difficulty Toggles the visibility of the difficulty text in minigames
Toggle Adhoc Scan UnEncrypted Force all crate manifest scans to be unencrypted

Page 1 → Games → UnscrambleHero page

Button Action
Diff N For each difficulty between 0 and 4, each button brings plays a test round of the audio tuning minigame

Page 1 → Games → DeviceHack page

Button Action
Diff N For each difficulty between 0 and 5, each button leads to a second page from which you can choose to play a specific level of difficulty N, or play a random one

Page 1 → Games → DroidHack page

Button Action
Diff N For each difficulty between 0 and 5, each button leads to a second page from which you can choose to play a specific level of difficulty N, or play a random one

Page 1 → Games → Tangrams page

Button Action
Diff N For each difficulty between 0 and 5, each button leads to a second page from which you can choose to play a specific level of difficulty N, or play a random one

Page 1 → Jobs page

Button Action
Chat Sequences Opens a page which allows each chat sequence for each character to be directly initiated
View Unlisted Toggles showing “unlisted” missions in the job list
Ignore Mission Requirements Unused

Page 1 → Territory War page

Button Action
Sequences Opens a page to start and end individual mock Territory War sequences, from 1 to 5, each with specific faction influences
Countdowns Opens a page to set the Territory War countdown banner to display a countdown to moments 1, 15, 65, 600, and 6000 minutes in the future
Increment-Active Increments the faction influence driven by the currently-running sequence by 0.1
Reset all BLiPS Fires mock events from each installation beacon using the current game state
Add-Hack-FO Sets the mock influence of the First Order to 0.5 and the Resistance to 0.3 and installs a faction hack
Add-Hack-Res Sets the mock influence of the First Order to 0.3 and the Resistance to 0.5 and installs a faction hack

Page 1 → Operations Toggles page

Button Action
RES JOBS Opens a page where all Resistance jobs can be marked completed or incomplete
SM JOBS Opens a page where all Smuggler jobs can be marked completed or incomplete
FO JOBS Opens a page where all First Order jobs can be marked completed or incomplete
NEU JOBS Opens a page where all Neutral jobs can be marked completed or incomplete
✓ Landwide Enables the “landwide” precondition, allowing all installations to be shown regardless of whether they’re part of a mission
x Landwide Disables the “landwide” precondition
✓ On Planet Marks the guest as being present in a Galaxy’s Edge park
x On Planet Marks the guest as being absent from a Galaxy’s Edge park
✓ On SWGS Ship Marks the guest as being present onboard Galactic Starcruiser
x On SWGS Ship Marks the guest as being absent from Galactic Starcruiser
Trigger Normal Mode Puts the Datapad into the “normal” mode
Trigger SWGS Mode (Pre) Puts the Datapad into the Galactic Starcruiser pre-sail mode
Trigger SWGS_S Mode (Sail) Puts the Datapad into the Galactic Starcruiser on-voyage mode
Trigger Post SWGS Mode Puts the Datapad into the Galactic Starcruiser post-sail mode
IGNORE TOGGLES Globally overrides all other ops toggles to be true
USE TOGGLES Removes the global override to all ops toggles

Page 1 → Beacons page

Button Action
0-10 Opens a page where each fake BLiS beacon can be enabled or disabled, and in the case of Territory War-related beacons, increase/decrease faction influence and add/remove skimmers
✓ Fake Beacons Enable all debug BLiS beacons
x Fake Beacons Disable all debug BLiS beacons
Turn On All Beacons Adds all available beacons to the BLiS fake beacon list

Page 1 → Items page

Button Action
Achievements Opens a page where either all achievements or a random one can granted, and achievement granting can be globally enabled or disabled
Transmission, InventoryItem, TransmissionStory, ShipLog, StarMapPiece, Program, Schematic, DroidMemory, SwgsCharacter Opens a page where each specific item can be individually granted
RandomReward Grants a random item
Award All Grants all items
Remove All Clears your inventory

Page 1 → Save page

Button Action
Clear Save State Clears the SWGE save information, disables saving for this session, and exits the Datapad
Clear SWGS Chats Removes all SWGS chat messages, resets all missions, resets the game state, disables saving for this session, and exits the Datapad

Page 1 → Currency page

Button Action
+1/10/100/1000 Credits Adds a specific number of credits to your profile
-1/10/100/1000 Credits Removes a specific number of credits from your profile
+1% FO/SM/RE Adds 1% alignment to either your First Order, Smuggler or Resistance alignment
-1% FO/SM/RE Removes 1% alignment from either your First Order, Smuggler or Resistance alignment

Page 2 → AudioShows… page

Button Action
Fake Tests… Opens a page that enables emitting fake Audio Translate beacon payloads with no show specified at 480ms or 120ms intervals
SHOW NAME Opens a page where each Audio Translate show beacon can be configured to emit fake payloads
Enable Globally enables Audio Translate shows throughout Datapad
Stop Halts all fake packet emitting

Page 2 → Filters… page

Button Action
Proposed… Opens a page where the “Proposed” filter can be set to low, mid, or high strength or disabled.
DirBlur… Opens a page where the “DirBlur” filter can be set to low, mid, or high strength or disabled.
Distort… Opens a page where the “Distort” filter can be set to low, mid, or high strength or disabled.
Noise… Opens a page where the “Noise” filter can be set to low, mid, or high strength or disabled.
Chroma… Opens a page where the “Chroma” filter can be set to low, mid, or high strength or disabled.
Bloom… Opens a page where the “Bloom” filter can be set to low, mid, or high strength or disabled.
Tests… Opens the Filters Tests page
🗑 Disable All Disables all applied filters
Cycle Filters Incrementally changes the strength and combinations of different filters
Filter Demos  
Proposed (High) DirBlur (High)
Distort (High) Noise (High)
Chroma (High) Bloom (High)

Page 2 → Park page

Button Action
DLR Sets your current park to Disneyland (Resort) and reloads the map data
WDW Sets your current park to Walt Disney World and reloads the map data

Page 2 → Map page

Button Action
Engine: PlayAPI/Unlocked/Locked Toggles overriding access to the SWGS Engineering Room, or optionally default to the value associated with your account
Cargo: PlayAPI/Unlocked/Locked Toggles overriding access to the SWGS Cargo Hold, or optionally default to the value associated with your account
Override Location Toggles the ability to click a location on the map to override your current location