The Message Loop
June 5th, 2022

Datapad → Android

The WebView exposes a window global Android that contains the interface postMessage(...) for sending messages across the Datapad→Android boundary. It’s presumably implemented on the WebView end as something like:

class JsMessageBridge
	public String postMesssage(String message)
		// Do something with the message 

// Later
webView.addJavascriptInterface(new JsMessageBridge(), "Android");

It’s this interface that consumes the commands that Datapad issues. The command format is discussed below. Commands are replied to in a Android→Datapad return channel.

Async data resolution

A typical request issued by the frontend looks something like this:

	"reqId": 6,
	"type": "asyncResponse",
	"command": "GET_GAME_CONTENT",
	"payload": {
		"contentId": "page-counts",
		"contentVersionId": "87"

Breaking it down:

  • reqId is a key in a dictionary of promise handlers. The response message must use the same corresponding ID to make sure the response data is handled by the right promise.
  • type is always asyncResponse.
  • command is one of many command IDs that are each handled differently on the backend (see below)
  • payload is specific to each command, and contains the parameters required by the backend handler for the command
    • In this case, the command is loading data from the Firebase dump. It’s issuing a request in the format starWarsGalaxysEdgeGame_{contentVersionId}_{contentId}.json, which here resolves to starWarsGalaxysEdgeGame_87_page-counts.json.


The frontend can also subscribe to a number of events. An event subscription takes the form:

	"reqId": 227,
	"type": "asyncResponse",
	"payload": {
		"event_type": "EVENT_TYPE_SUBSCRIBE",
		"params": {
			"gameModeId": "swgs"

While these take the same basic form as async data requests, their return channel is notably different.

Android → Datapad

Async data resolution

The PlayAPI has a static method handlePromiseReponse which can either:

  • Accept a serialized JSON payload message, as issued by the Android backend, in which case it’s deserialized in place
  • Accept a raw JavaScript object payload, as issues by an iOS backend, in which case no deserialization is necessary

This method is invoked directly by the native handlers, and there aren’t any direct references to it in the frontend.

A typical message dispatched by the backend looks similar to:

	"requestID": "6",
	"status": "SUCCESS",
	"type": "asyncResponse",
	"requestType": "GET_GAME_CONTENT",
	"payload": {
		"data": [
				"lang/generated-en": 95,
				"lang/en": 12

Breaking this one down:

  • requestID denotes which request this data is in response to
    • The response ID is a string, while the request ID is an integer. I’m not sure why that’s the case on the native side, because the frontend handles this field perfectly fine as an integer as well.
  • status can be either SUCCESS for an affirmative result, or anything else for a negative.
  • type can only be asyncResponse
  • requestType mirrors the request’s command
  • payload is the data that has been resolved in response to the command
    • Here, it loaded the contents of starWarsGalaxysEdgeGame_87_page-counts.json and discovered there are 95 language file banks for the generated-en locale, and 12 for the en locale.


Event subscriptions initially respond to the subscription request with a standard data resolution message, such as:

	"requestID": "227",
	"status": "SUCCESS",
	"type": "asyncResponse",
	"payload": true

The PlayAPI has another static method nativeCallback which will also conditionally parse the data. This function is directly invoked when the native backend dispatches an event, and will fire the corresponding event in the frontend.

An event dispatch message takes this form:

	"requestID": "1",
	"status": "SUCCESS",
	"type": "event",
	"payload": {
		"arrived": false,
		"preArrival": false,
		"previousSailing": false,
		"isGuestOnPlanet": false,
		"duringReservation": false,
		"isGuestOnShip": false

Some notes:

  • Despite the event dispatching with an ID, the ID is never utilized on the frontend
  • Events with status == 'SUCCESS' will be dispatched as a CustomEvent with its type set to the event’s requestType, and the detail set to the event’s payload
  • Events with status != 'SUCCESS' will fire a CustomEvent with the type set to GAME_ON_ERROR and detail set to the entire event message, instead of just the payload

Common Commands

Command Type Description
ACCESSIBILITY_UPDATED Event Fired when the app’s accessibility settings change. Result is stored in Config.isAccessibilityEnabled, and seems to add UI elements that interact with screen readers.
ANALYTICS_LOG_ACTION Request Logs button presses and UX flow, also logs some basic game state (like which jobs are available or completed), your current park, game version, etc.
ANALYTICS_LOG_STATE Request Logs game state changes (like moving into new activitiies), additionally logs the same state information as ANALYTICS_LOG_ACTION
AR_SESSION_AVAILABLE Request Presumably generates a successful response if ARCore is available on the device, but my device returns: Error: ARCore is not supported
ASSETS Request Loads an asset from a remote source. I believe these assets are cached, and source from Firestore – it’s just used for the chat images of the Galactic Starcruiser characters, whose cast members regularly rotate
ATTRACTION_DATA_QUERY Request Queries data about the guest’s interaction with a specific ride (i.e. completion dates for missions associated with the ride, etc.)
ATTRACTION_DATA_UPDATED Event When fired, Datapad requests an ATTRACTION_DATA_QUERY for both the Disneyland and Disney World Smuggler’s Run ride
BEACON_GAME_ADVANCE_IN_RANGE Event Fired when a beacon updates. Information from the beacon is received, including the beacon name, ID, and RSSI, and the name of the experience associated with the beacon
DEVICE_BLUETOOTH_STATUS_CHANGED Event Fired when the device’s Bluetooth is toggled on or off
DEVICE_LOCATION_STATUS_CHANGED Event Fired when the device’s location services are toggled on or off
DYNAMIC_VIBRATE_DEVICE Request Triggers a device haptic vibration using a specified vibration pattern
GAME_BACK Event Fired when the hardware “back” button is pressed (or gesture is activated)
GAME_CLOSE Request Informs the native layer that the Datapad is exiting
GAME_INIT Request Requests the platform initialization data from the native layer, including data on the current player and their entitlements, the player’s current park location, some debugging flags, and experience toggles
GAME_MODE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATED Event Fired when the device determines there is a change in any of the following flags: whether the guest is at the park, whether the guest is at Galactic Starcruiser, and whether the guest has either an upcoming, current, or recently passed Galactic Starcruiser reservation
GAME_STATE_SAVE Request Triggers the game to save its state to disk
GET_CURRENT_ENTITLEMENT Request Returns the guest’s current entitlements, if logged in. Denotes whether the user should have access to Galactic Starcruiser content
GET_GAME_CONTENT Request Request a database read for a specific table, which actually results in a specific file being loaded from disk, parsed as a Firestore database dump, and the data returned
GET_GAME_MODE_CONFIGURATION Request Queries the immediate value of the current game mode, the same data as updated in GAME_MODE_CONFIGURATION_UPDATED
LOW_POWER_MODE_CHANGED Event Triggered when the device’s low power mode is activated or deactivated
READ_PLAYER_ACHIEVEMENT Request Queries all available achievements, returning details on each, including whether the player has been awarded each achievement
SET_GAME_DATA Request Pushes player-specific game data to a Firebase instance
SHOW_CONTROL_DATA_RECEIVED Event Fired when a beacon associated with an in-park interaction broadcasts new data
SHOW_CONTROL_EFFECT_IN_RANGE Event when a beacon associated with an in-park interaction is discovered
SHOW_CONTROL_SESSION_INIT Request Initializes the native becaon subsystem
TERRITORY_WAR_SCHEDULED_START_TIME Event Fired when the next Territory War for the specified park updates the start time
TERRITORY_WAR_SCHEDULED_START_TIME_QUERY Request Queries the immediate value of the current park’s Territory War start time